Beboist — Updates and Attention

Our friends at “Bebo”: have selected our “Beboist plugin”: to be one of their “featured Bebo Social API libraries”:

This joyous occasion can only be properly acknowledged by the announcement that Beboist has now been moved to “Github”:, a “Git”: repository host where the “cool kids”: play nowadays. We feel that Github’s convenient fork-edit-push code publishing mechanism will only help Beboist grow even quicker to become a prominent solution for working with the Bebo API.

The “old SVN repository”: will still remain up, but all future development will take place on Github.

So, without further ado — here’s the Beboist Github repository:

You will install this plugin from your RAILS_ROOT directory as such:

git clone git:// vendor/plugins/beboist 

Git has a slight learning curve — here are a few resources to help you get started if you have never used it before: SVN to Git Crash Course and Git Tutorial

Intridea’s “Public Trac”: is still up for bug reports.