While the GitHub folks have produced their own github-gem that provides some useful command-line tools for GitHub users, the library they have written isn’t your traditional API wrapper since it’s focused around using GitHub rather than getting information from GitHub.
I’ve thrown together a small library called ruby-github that provides that kind of functionality. It’s extremely simple and works with all of the currently available API but that only comes down to three read-only calls at this point. Use like so:
user = GitHub::API.user('mbleigh') user.name # => "Michael Bleigh" user.repositories # => array of repositories user.repositories.last.name # => "ruby-github" user.repositories.last.url # => "http://github.com/mbleigh/ruby-github" user.repositories.last.commits # => array of commits (see below) commits = GitHub::API.commits('mbleigh','ruby-github') commits.first.message # => "Moved github.rb to ruby-github.rb..." commits.first.id # => "1d8c21062e11bb1ecd51ab840aa13d906993f3f7" commit = GitHub::API.commit('mbleigh','ruby-github','1d8c21062e11bb1ecd51ab840aa13d906993f3f7') commit.message # => "Moved github.rb to ruby-github.rb..." commit.added.collect{|c| c.filename} # => ["init.rb", "lib/ruby-github.rb"]
The easiest way to install ruby-github is as a gem:
gem install ruby-github
You can also install it as a Rails plugin if that’s your thing:
git clone git://github.com/mbleigh/ruby-github.git vendor/plugins/ruby-github
Update 4/12/2008: Version 0.0.2 of the gem has been released and I have revised this post to adhere to the new gem’s requirements.