We want to make Present.ly a seamless part of your organization’s workflow. To that end we are excited to announce a new feature that is finally ready to enter beta: LDAP Integration! With LDAP, you can allow your employees to use the same credentials to log in to Present.ly that they use to log in to your other business services, making it easier and more secure by utilizing your existing processes. This is especially useful for large organizations with hundreds of employees, as replicated logins create a great deal of stress and extra work.
To utilize the LDAP integration in Present.ly an administrator of your network needs to go to the Admin page and click on LDAP Settings. The administrator should then fill out the form that appears:
For more detailed information about LDAP usage, visit the LDAP Knowledge Base Article on the Present.ly support pages. This feature is available immediately for all claimed networks. It is still considered a beta feature at this point, so if you have any questions, concerns, or problems don’t hesitate to contact support and we’ll work with you to improve the system.