RefactorMyCode Goes Open Source

Earlier this week we gave you some updates on the RefactorMyCode project that we took over from its creator, Marc-André Cournoyer this April. When we made the announcement that we were taking over, we let everyone know that we intended to open source the project eventually. That day has come!

The Great Open Sourcing

We planned to open source the project once we converted it to Rails 3 and made various other improvements. Thanks to the work of a few of our developers, notably Andy Wang and Paul Ostazeski, RFMC is now running on Rails 3, has significantly improved test coverage, and has undergone several rounds of refactoring.

The RFMC History

RefactorMyCode is a community for – you guessed it – refactoring code. Marc-André came up with the idea in 2007 when he became frustrated with the way WordPress blogs handled formatting of the code and the comment structure. Since its creation, RFMC blew up on Reddit, Digg and other niche sites. When Marc-André put out a call for someone to take over management of the site we were thrilled to rise to the occasion. We had a small team of developers that jumped on the chance to work on RFMC as their SparkTime project, and they’ve been working diligently to get the code cleaned up and ready for open source.

We’re excited to make RFMC available to developers to hack on. At Intridea, we believe strongly in the philosophy and culture of open source development (see our list of open source projects on Github). The repo is on our Intridea Github account, and we encourage contributors to make pull requests and submit issues using Github Issues. Of course, we’re happy to answer any questions and get feedback on the project!

Happy coding!