The National Association of Letter Carriers is the sole representative of city delivery letter carriers employed by the U.S. Postal Service. Since it was founded in Milwaukee in 1889, the NALC has had a long and distinguished history of defending the rights of letter carriers by protecting workers’ rights, establishing better work schedules, and being the voice to improve the lives of all letter carriers in America. NALC is the only force that fights to protect the interests of city letter carriers and is the sole representative of city delivery letter carriers employed by the US Postal Service.

The National Association of Letter Carriers is the sole representative of city delivery letter carriers employed by the U.S. Postal Service. Since it was founded in Milwaukee in 1889, the NALC has had a long and distinguished history of defending the rights of letter carriers by protecting workers’ rights, establishing better work schedules, and being the voice to improve the lives of all letter carriers in America. NALC is the only force that fights to protect the interests of city letter carriers and is the sole representative of city delivery letter carriers employed by the US Postal Service.
NALC was looking for a mobile app for their members and letter carriers. They needed a common place where members and letter carriers could receive relevant government affairs information and a customized work calendar across the mobile platform. The calendar feature for letter carriers automated their fixed and rotational non-standard day off schedule, which up until now, has been paper based or memorized. They sought a streamlined government affairs information advocacy platform that needed the capability of reaching out and organizing segmented audiences all over the country. There was a lack of an automated work and holiday calendar, and a need for a connected method of reaching their country-wide audience.

We hit the ground running with a solution to fit their needs; we gave NALC recommendations and started phase one which consisted of:
- Creating the government affairs feature which would automatically tell the user who their congress members are, how to contact them, and provide a stance on the bills that would directly affect NALC.
- Automating the Calendar feature.
- Connecting members and letter carriers so that they can interact with their representatives on social media within the app.
- Added NALC Stances so members know how bills impact them from an NALC perspective.
- Users are able to receive real time notifications on NALC news and topics of interests.
- Resources for both members and letter carriers.
Once the user logs into the app:
- The user is prompted to select their area code then select topics they’re interested in.
- After that, the user is directed to the NALC news page.
- A letter carrier can check out the calendar feature to choose their work schedule type to see a calendar with their NSD.
- Members can go to government affairs and check out their personalized district information, NALC related bills, and fact sheets.
This particular product was unique because it has information on personalized government affairs as well a NSD calendar.
After launch, their final product can now display information on such as:
- Letter carriers and members daily info, news, work schedules, breaking news.
- Information is in one location in a mobile friendly way for letter carriers that are always on the move. Members can also talk NALC issues and feel confident they are up-to-date and informed.

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